Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Don't be confused with the picture and the title.
I put them together for a reason.

Children are quarreling..
A take B's pencil without permission..
B tell the teacher that A take his pencil without permission and B is angry about it...
So the teacher punish and tell A not to take something without permission again!
Have you been in that condition? wkwkwkkw
Actually it's normal if kids are like that..
That's why, we are studying in school to get mature beside smart.


We made a teachers' polling/
Like the funniest teacher and so on.
And we put a controversial category...Killer..The killer teacher..
After we distributed the nomination paper(?) to students and try to kept it as a surprise for teachers' day..
The next day(this morning) we got a very very very nice feedback from the headmaster..
He said killer wasn't a category that have connection with education or teaching and because of that it's wrong to put killer as the category..
The headmaster knew about the polling from the teachers who were complaining about the polling and probably were INSULTED because they were categorized as KILLER not as friendly or so on.
At last, we were scolded and bla bla bla..


I was thinking..
How come teachers can be so sensitive like that?
I know some of the nomination that we chose for killer weren't that suitable..
BUT we weren't really meant it..
It was only for joking and make the teachers' day more interesting..
It's just like when I said my friend was fat whereas she didn't..(hope you get what i meant)
Even it's true that the teacher was killer..
so what??
Couldn't the teacher accept the fact sincerely?
They supposed the be mature, not to be insulted that easy like kids.
One of my friends dubbed badly by a teacher, yet he still laugh about it..didn't feel insulted.
And yet teachers couldn't?
The headmaster told me that kind of polling(diligent, funny) were meant to motivate teachers..
But the killer category won't motivate teachers..
If A(teacher) was chose to be the most friendly teacher, probably A will keep his attitude and his teaching technique and other teachers will also probably emulate A to become a better teacher-----AGREE
If A was chose as the killer teacher..
Most of the teachers and in all likelihood included the headmaster probably think that A will not seriously teach students and will be more cruel because had been dubbed killer...AGREE 
But if A was mature, A will probably think "Ow I am cool, killer actually sounds good" or "Am I actually so cruel? Probably I need to be more kind next semester" or bla2..


That's all
I just want to write something to relieve my angry..

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