Monday, July 4, 2011

The hunting of Ipad 2

Well I just come back from a usual trip to Singapore.
and I have FAILED to buy an Ipad 2.
I really want it but yeah maybe it's not my time to have it.

Yup, I went to Singapore on Thursday morning, I have a lot of time to buy an Ipad 2 3g but I postponed it until Friday.
The pathetic thing was when I went to the store the shopkeeper said the Ipad 2 3g had sold out. ow yeahhhh how unlucky I was.
Not just that, made it worse they said it just sold out on Thursday! wuahahahahaha!!!!
Then I asked him when It will be restocked. He said 2 or 3 weeks and I asked him again when was the last time it was restocked. He said on Thursday! wowowowowow!
I think you know what it means Ipad 2 3g was sold out in a day!!!
The funny thing was I heard from other shopkeeper in other store, he said his store didn't have Ipad 2 3g because Singaporean don't really use the 3g one.
I just can think that Indonesian bought all the Ipad on that day....wauahahhahaha..actually it seems impossible but I don't have other idea hehe.
Well well well, whatever the reasons that cause Ipad 2 3g sold out, the most important thing was I FAILED to have one!!!

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