Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Pinkie

People said everything has a good side and bad side.
But how if because only 1 simple mistake you can't do all your favorite hobbies?

My pinkie was sprained when I was playing futsal with my friends. Actually spraining was an ordinary accident in futsal, there was nothing big about it.
I didn't think to blame my friend who shot the ball ( I was playing as keeper) without me knowing it that caused me accidentally took my left hand to catch the ball (I failed to catch, but the ball also didn't get into the goal) and sprained my left hand's pinkie for the result.
It's probably my mistake not to let my friend scored. hehe.
However, my biggest mistake wasn't that.
After I finished playing, I didn't directly go to the hospital or medicine man, probably because I thought it was only my pinkie that sprained so it won't affect too much for my regular activity and perhaps it can healed itself. Yet I still went to Jakarta for some days.
After a week or 2 weeks it hadn't healed by itself. *pathetic*
Then I went to a medicine man to start my treatment. *finally*
Probably it was too late because until now *8 August 2011* it hadn't healed yet.
Because of my pinkie, I couldn't play rubik's cube and perhaps completely unable to play guitar. hiks2

However, my pinkie has taught me something.
"Don't underestimated even a small wound"
When you think you have hurt someone feeling, apologize instantly. *or it probably can be something more complicated*


NB : Please pray for my pinkie to recover soon!

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