Saturday, June 25, 2011

Poem For Mother

When your mother has grown older,
When her dear, faithful eyes
No longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks,
Then lend her your arm in support, escort her with happy pleasure—
the hour will come when, weeping, you must accompany her on her final walk.
And if she asks you something, then give her an answer.
And if she asks again, then speak!
And if she asks yet again, respond to her, not impatiently, but with gentle calm.
And if she cannot understand you properly, explain all to her happily.
The hour will come, the bitter hour, when her mouth asks for nothing more.

Okay, no doubt it was a very good poem, not very special but meaningful.
Well well, this poem was't written by me, nor Shakespeare.
It was a Germanic Poem, and of course the writer came from German.ha-ha-ha
I bet you know the writer..
If you can online and read my blog you absolutely not a newborn baby and I think only newborn baby don't know the writer...
Okay okay, let me tell you the writer...
He was The legendary Adolf Hitler..
Shocked? Well, if you don't, you are abnormal maybe he-he-he, or maybe you have known it before..hahaha..
Well, is it weird a cruel man who killed a lot of people ( Even i don't know the number of people he have killed) can love her mother so much?
Well, why not? C'mon he was still a HUMAN!!

1. Don't judge people if you haven't familiar with them except if you are Sherlock Holmes
2. No one really 100% evil, maybe even devil doesn't 100% cruel.
3. Most people only know others bad side, only some people can see the brightness and goodness inside others.

1. Do you think Adolf Hitler end up in hell?
2. If you said that he end up in hell because he killed a lot of people, will he end up in heaven if he save a lot of people but he killed his own mother?
3. Which one is more important, mother or million people?

Don't asked me the answers, because I DON'T KNOW! It just too hard for me to choose!

I just can concluded.

Life is too complicated to be theorized, but it is simple if we just live it.

Nb: If there is a grammatical error or vocabulary error please tell me. I would like to know. Thanks before :)

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