Saturday, May 21, 2011


Lately, I don't do a lot of solving...
Usually I will play puzzles for an hour a day, but now I will only play for awhile.
Recently, I am addicted to guitar however I won't talk about guitar now. I am in the mood to talk about sharing. hehe. Maybe next time I will write about guitar.

Okay, sharing, I think anybody ever do it.
It's strange if you never do it.
What sharing means here not only about sharing problems or happiness but included knowledge too.

As I said, I don't do a lot of solving nowadays but I still do a lot cubing activity.
The activity simply about sharing my skills.
Teaching people how to solve rubik's cube in Gramedia Bookstore have changed me a little.
I used to think teaching people will be such a nightmare.
But when I have taught some people, I begin to enjoyed it.
Teaching people(from many ages) challenged me to make the people to understand what I am saying.
My thought to solve the rubik's cube somehow weird to most people.
So I need to imagine and find a way, a simple idea that most people can understand.
It's very challenging for me.:D
I am not a good communicator so more or less teaching people also will increase my communication ability.

Some people afraid to share their ability because they afraid the "students" will surpass them.
Well, I believe the "students" won't surpass them if the "students" only accept what they give without looking for others.
As an example, if I have a student, let us named as X.
X want to become faster in solving a rubik's cube.
So I share my skills to him, however he never want to find any more skills on the Internet when there is a lot on the Internet.
If I give him B skill , he will only know B skill and when I got home I will learn a new skill on Internet, while he don't. In this case it's almost impossible for X to surpass me.
But there is some people that know the meaning "looking for others" and "practice"
As an example, Y want to become in solving cube.
I share my skill to Y as many as to X. But Y also browse on the Internet some more skills and Y practice a lot. Y surely will surpass me someday.
Well, if maybe I don't want to share my skill to Y. Y will only browse on the Internet by himself, he will earn the skill himself and he will still surpass me.
It makes almost no different!!!
Okay, there are some different..heheh
A.If I do share some skills to Y. Y will probably think "Oh, because of him I can become this fast, I owe him"
B.If I don't share my skills to Y. He will probably think " He is very stingy, I won't forget his stinginess"
What is your choice? A?? or B??

Sharing(knowledge, feelings, experiences etc) can become the beginning of a relationship or as a glue to tighten the relationship.
But I am not saying that we must always share everything we have. It will be very nonsense if we share our girlfriend/boyfriend to some people..hahaha..XD

Be wise when sharing :)

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