Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Perfect Error

As old saying said "Nothing is Perfect".
That Quote applies to Error too.
Mostly, we are the one that worsen the error.

If you are a Cuber, you probably know that if we make a "cross" randomly, we will still have minimal 2 pieces in the correct spot.
Well, If you are not a Cuber there is a story that I would like to share.

There was a time when I have a friend, not really my best friend, but he was still a good friend for me.
I unconsciously offended him. Actually I was really want to offend him, but the result was over my presupposition. I wasn't only lost his trust to me but I think I offended other people too. His good friend, I think his friend will had a bad view of me. I felt goofy.
I did something when I was angry, I lost my control and offended my friend and others will had a bad view of me. I believed that this was a Perfect Error.
I have two choice back then. Leave it or fixed it?
Leave it will be easier but I pick fixed it.
I don't want to lose my friendship because of my Error.
It took time but yes our relationship was healed.
And the bad news is he never becomes my good friend anymore...

He is one of my best friend now. :D

If I didn't choose to fix it, I don't think he will become my best friend.

I made a lot of bad decision rather than good decision.
And I think it is normal to make bad decision.
Just don't do the same mistake twice or maybe third..haha
I have an advice for the bad decision that we have made
Fix it or learn it.

Last, there's actually no such thing like Perfect Error, we are the one who "make" the Error become Perfect in our own imagination.

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