Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rubik's Cube Extracurricular

Thank's to my friend, Wira DKP. He is the one who work so hard, so that there is a Rubik's Cube Extracurricular.

Even though this Extracurricular is only allowed for junior high school only, it's mean i can't join because I am in High school now. But an extracurricular for rubik's cube is really a good progress for Medan Cuber.

Wira is friend of junior High school principal, not really a friend, but Junior High school principal kinda good with him, and she(the principal) a little addicted with cubing too, maybe that's the reason why there is an extracurricular for junior high school not for senior high school, seeing that senior high school principal kinda strict and not addicted with cubing.

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