Thursday, May 27, 2010

School Competition

This a medal that I got for beating all competitor in P2S1(Pekan Prestasi Sutomo 1), rubik's cube category.

First of all, I am not making this article so that I can show off.
I am going to tell about how there is a rubik's cube competition in P2S1, and a story about me before the competition, when the competition, and after the competition

Nb: Maybe, I will a little bit show off,but please don't get bad idea about me okay?hehe

My friends(Wira and Selamat) and I were thinking to influence people to play rubik's cube, so came out an idea to make a Competition at school as Sir william said(he is a cube seller, a teacher, and a HUSBAND).
We wanted to make it, but we don't know how.
So that, Wira went to asked our principle how to make a competition(he has a good relation with SMP principle because he was the one who taught our principle how to solve a rubik's cube). Our principle said that P2S1 was SMAerz job, not SMP, she(our principle) suggest him to wait until SMA.
I thought it was over, but I don't feel disappointed at all.
Until one day, I don't remember when, Wira told me that there will a rubik's cube comepetition.WOW, I was surprised , don't know how and there is a competition?hahaha
And I found out that Saharta helped Wira to arrange the competition, with Saharta helped, it became easier because Saharta was a OSIS member.

There is some rules about the competition
-One class only allowed 3 people to join
-Use rubik's cube that provided by organizer
-Organizer not allowed to join(Wira)

The first rule is made because if one class allowed more than 3, my class absolutely will dominate and others people won't join because to afraid to lose or any stupid reasons.
Second rule is made because people like to said" Well, I supposed to win if I use your cube, yours is better and mine is worse". Other student will think the competition was unfair because the cubes weren't the same, that's why the organizer make them the sama cube.
Third rule is made because well, they will think the organizer cheating because he who is organized it.

I was nervous facing the competition, because all my friends believe I will won, I was afraid that if my cube fall when I was turning it, or any accident that can disappointed them.
And the second rule made me more nervous,well, not using my cube is such a disaster. Cube and cuber need to have a good relation to have a good result. I was not know the organizer cube, how heavy it was ?how must I turn the cube?

There was around 20 or 30 competitors who registered. But there was only around 10 people who came when the competition. Maybe the rest competitors too afraid of lose, or maybe have a BIG BUSINESS like private lesson.

When competition has ended I done a not bad job.
Well, if I got no stupid problems and could use my own cube I certainly will done a perfect job.hahaha.

At last, I won the competition and got a medal.
My class got a Gold medal, it came from me make me proud today.
Funny thing is when the closing ceremony, i hardly heard they called me for giving me the medal, their voice just to soft even though they were using speaker.

NB: I wasn't only joint the rubik's cube competition. I also participated tug of war , even though my friends and I knew that we will got beaten for sure, we just participated it without any stupid reasons(one of my friend change his private lesson for tug of war although he knew will lose). We were really got beaten but it show you that we didn't too afraid to lose.

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